Smart Phone Use by Opinion Leaders

A striking chart on the history of personal computer unit sales stirred up conversation in January that mobile computing is the harbinger of death for the PC. What struck us at Dominion Strategies, however, were its implications for Social, Local, Mobile (SoLoMo) search and marketing in the public affairs space.

The number of people carrying the Internet in their pockets and briefcases is exploding exponentially. Nielsen estimates that there were 116 million mobile web users in the United States in September 2011, and smartphones outsold PCs for the first time in the fourth quarter. This creates an opportunity for advocacy groups, non-profits, and grassroots organizers to instantly connect with potential supporters at the moment their passion is piqued, and point them to a local leadership network and other nearby supporters. What’s more, the contact is inherently personal, literally touching them where they live.

Opinion leaders are uniquely positioned to extend that touch into the public advocacy space. Tapping their influence is essential to optimize Social, Local, Mobile (SoLoMo) search behind the goals of any campaign. Resources and insights provided by the Opinion Leader Network® can powerfully harness that influence, which spurs action among supporters and encourages them to interconnect locally. Those relationships, once forged, can be maintained with ongoing engagement strategies, providing a ready resource for future campaigns.

Mobile Computing

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